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You can find all of the resources you will need to learn more about the upcoming Referendum. The School Board of the School District of Tigerton has compiled an anticipated five year budget with operational expenses, technology, transportation, and building and grounds needs in mind. They determined that this is an optimal time to go to referendum as we no longer need to levy for debt. If approved, this 5-year non-recurring operational referendum will support student learning and facility repairs. Please cast an informed vote on April 5, 2022.


Referendum Informational Meeting PowerPoint Presentation

5 Year Forecast - School Budget


What is an operational referendum?

School districts seek operational referendums to pay for the day-to-day operations of a school district. An operational referendum pays for things such as utilities, maintenance of district facilities, salaries and benefits of all staff, curriculum, technology, etc. If approved, an operational referendum gives the Board of Education authority to increase its tax levy by a set amount each year, which in effect provides more revenue for the district.


How are school districts funded in Wisconsin?

All school districts' tax mill rates are controlled by the state via a formula called the revenue limit. The purpose of the revenue limit is to cap - or limit - the amount of money a district generates from the two largest sources of school funding (revenue). These sources are state equalization aid and property taxes.


In the funding formula, these two sources of revenue balance each other to total the revenue limit for the district. If a district receives more state equalization aid, then they levy for less property taxes. If a district receives less state equalization aid then they levy for more property taxes. However, total revenue may not exceed the limit set by the state.


What other school districts in Wisconsin have gone to operational referendums? Is there a referendum study that shows historical referendums for school districts?

Yes, since 1993 there have been over 1,000 referendums to exceed revenue cpas in the state of Wisconsin. The Department of Public Instruction website link is:


Are there school districts in the state that don't have to go to an operational referendum?

Yes, there are districts that don't have to go to referendum. This is because their enrollment is increasing and they receive much more state aid than other districts as they are not "property rich" school districts. The current funding formula happens to work for their district.


The District has received federal funding from the COVID-19 relief acts. Why doesn't the district use these funds instead of asking the taxpayers for additional funding?

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds are one-time source funds and do not address our long-term financial needs. These funds have stipulations on what they can be used for and when they can be used.


Does the District have to levy the full amount?

We used conservative estimates to make predictions for the five-year referendum. We say "up to" because we may not levy the full amount.



Shall the School District of Tigerton, Shawano and Waupaca Counties, Wisconsin, for five years, beginning with the 2022-2023 school year and through the 2026-2027 school year, be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by up to $450,000 in the 2022-2023 school year, up to $500,000 in the 2023-2024 school year, up to $550,000 in the 2024-2025 school year, up to $600,000 in the 2025-2026 school year, and up to $650,000 in the 2026-2027 school year for non-recurring purposes consisting of ongoing operational and maintenance expenses, including paying debt, within the operating budget; funding long-range plans for facilities, equipment, safety, technology infrastructure, and curriculum and instruction; and fair and competitive staff compensation?



With a passed referendum, the mill rate is projected to increase. However, as shown in the line graph (below), the estimated mill rates are very similar to what taxpayers were paying with the 5-year Operations Referendum that passed in November of 2015 and ended in 2020.

















- Try again one more time in November 2022

- Rely on Fund Balance for 2-3 years

- Cut programs and staffing

- Consolidate with another school district

- File bankruptcy; district is then parceled among neighboring districts



Polls open at 7:00 AM and close at 8:00 PM on Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

To learn more about registering to vote, where to vote, or absentee ballots, please visit My Vote Wisconsin.

"My Vote Wisconsin" will be bold and link them to the following website:



Community Referendum Informational Forums

* Tuesday, March 8, 2022


   Tigerton Community Center

* Wednesday, March 23, 2022


   Tigerton Community Center


Child care will be available at both sessions. For more information, call the District Office at 715-535-4044.

Thank You for visiting the School District of Tigerton Referendum Page and being an informed community member.

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