District Office Hours : Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

District Information
Tigerton School District Office
213 Spalding St.
Tigerton, WI 54486
(715) 535-4044
Fax: (715) 535-4010
Tigerton High School
213 Spalding St.
Tigerton, WI 54486
(715) 535-4001
Tigerton Elementary School
500 Elm St.
Tigerton, WI 54486
(715) 535-4051
Fax: (715) 535-1301

Douglas Nowak (715) 535-4040
4K-12 Principal
Dan Retzki (715) 535-4007
Interim Business Manager
Louise Fischer (715) 535-4041
Director of Special Education and Pupil Services
Marilyn Janke (715) 535-4020
Maintenance Director
John Fox (715) 535-4006
Bus Supervisors
Nicke Shumaker and Dori Packer
Daycare Director
Betsy Kopitzke (715) 535-4019
Beth Rogowski (715) 535-4044
District Secretary/Accounts Payable
Julie Prey (715) 535-4041
School Nurse
Amy Strehlow (715) 535-4027
Food Service Manager
Amy Laatsch (715) 535-4004